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  • Pakistan International Airlines

    Trip Duration 2 Hours

    Stops 1

    17 Feb 2024


    08:00 am

    • To 17 Feb 2024

      08:00 am - 09:00 am

      Trip Duration 2 Hours

      LHE Lahore

      ISB Islamabad

      • Pakistan International Airlines

      Flight Class economy

      Baggage KG 35

      Its international flight is super class seats and services including meal in the air and kids disposible elements. for cancellation or ticket date modification please do contact our senior staff during the travel. 


    17 Feb 2024


    08:00 am

    • To 17 Feb 2024

      08:00 am - 09:00 am

      Trip Duration 2 Hours

      ISB Islamabad

      DXB Dubai

      • Pakistan International Airlines

      Flight Class economy

      Baggage KG 35

      Its international flight is super class seats and services including meal in the air and kids disposible elements. for cancellation or ticket date modification please do contact our senior staff during the travel. 

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